Thursday, June 22, 2006

Yes, in the last month 54 plants have been stolen. But, at the same time, I recovered irises, lillies and a peony from Julie's yard as she was clearing some space. (Some of them got stolen--the peony was about to bloom, that one hurt-- but I consoled myself that I'd rescued the plants from the garbage anyways.) Julie also divided some bamboo for me. Crocosmia from my parents' garden, daisies from the side of hwy #1, geraniums from the neighbours and various plant divisions from my own yard have made their way to the garden.

This, in general, maybe a better way to go. It's inexpensive and if they're stolen, more is readily available!

I had debated for weeks about whether to plant periwinkle in the shade plot. (I know, don't I have anything better to do? But I'm not constantly thinking about it, it's just on my mind as I look at other gardens as I walk around the neighbourhood.) While periwinkle tolerates shade, it can sperad rapidly and if left unattended, it can really take over and look a bit scruffy.

Finally, I decided that I didn't really want a ground cover, I was going for a mixed border look. But, the following week, someone had plunked a handful of periwinkle into the soil! I quickly watered it and it's taken hold beautifully! I threw all of my debating out the window--who can argue with random acts of kindness? Not only was it a thoughtful anonymous act, but it meant to me that someone else in the community was taking a little ownership of the garden too. How ironic that someone had planted periwinkle, I wondered if they had knowingly planted it in a shade spot or if it had been coincidence.


Paula said...

Maybe the person who stole some of the other stuff was attempting to pay back a little! Who knows.

It sounds like quite an adventure!

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.