Thursday, May 03, 2007


Yay! Spring has arrived and the tulips et al are in full bloom at the sun garden! It's so exciting, this is the first time I've really felt that the dream is starting to be realized, there is colour all along the block! (at least where there is soil!) Did I mention I've been eyeing the other side of the street? Just wondering if a City Green Space could officially be started there..... and also the flow of dirt deliveries from the city.... There's already so much to do with the existing gardens, pruning, weeding, planting new plants, trimming the grass (!!) I gotta get a work party started. As for the sun garden, it's hard to decide on which pictures to put up. I'll try to get a good representation.


Paula said...

Yay!! Tulips!! They are so pretty!

You are about three weeks ahead of us...tulips here are just peeking their green heads out of the ground now.

jj said...

Krista, you have done such an amazing job!...the space looks so beautiful! you find time for all you do is beyond me...Linda might have some people who would be into joining your crew for the new project (I realize you said you were just "eyeing it" but I think we all know what that means!)....lots of the Cedar Cottage people might be into it...they might bring some of the kids out for a day too! you!...j.