Saturday, July 28, 2007


When we arrived at the sun garden this week it was full of bee activity, 3-4 bees pollinating flowers at the same time. This was really exciting for me!! I felt like the garden had reached a certain milestone in becoming established... In the middle of concrete and garbage and cars and weeds, the garden is developing into a little ecosystem and the bees have found it!

As an aside, no plants have been stolen lately, although our 'please don't steal the plants' sign has been!!

At the CN garden, a pair of women who do rounds for a Christian organization in the Downtown Eastside told us that some of the women working there have told them they were touched by the garden and feel cared for... I hope so, that is definitely our intention!
(incidentally this is not my photo, although it did look like this!)

Friday, July 13, 2007


We had some chrysanthemums that weren't getting enough rain at the CN garden so we thought we'd relocate them in the sun garden. However, on the way there, we were suddenly inspired to plant them at the corner of an alley. The next time we came down, we planted some seeds and bulbs and cleared out more garbage and blackberries. Around the corner there is a big patch of periwinkle growing out from under the fence, so we have decided to incorperate it and make a new corner garden! The first garden (the sun garden) is actually getting to the point that we can start dividing some of it's plants and spreading them around a little! That's reassuring! Yesterday I divided some crocosmia and brought it to the corner. I also planted a dahlia.

I've actually been surprised how little has been stolen lately! A few blooms have been cut off individually, but for the most part things have remained untouched, including some colourful annuals that usually don't stay long! One of the women who work in the area told me the other day that they've been warning people to leave the garden alone! So that might be why the gardens haven't been to interfered with lately! We've had a bit of a heat wave lately and I was really pleased to see that the sun garden is doing really well at surviving without much water. That was the goal! I'm realizing however that the CN garden also needs more drought-tolerant plants. I had been considering it a shade garden but it gets a lot of sun and doesn't get much water either. Here's how it's starting to shape up:

And I've saved the best news for last! Earlier this week I was watering some nasturtium seeds that we had planted accross the street. While I was doing this the guys who run the company accross the street came out and to make a long story short, offered us the property along their fence to create another garden!! The owner even offered to pitch in for the cost of the plants!! So the dream is becoming a reality!! The original vision was that when you turn the corner onto the street, you will see a street lined with colour! Here's a picture of our next future garden:

and here is a picture of the garden we've got on the other side of the street. Sometimes I've been discouraged about it--that it didn't look as good as it could--but looking at pictures today, I've realized that the majority of this garden came about in a year! I needed that encouragement as we embark on another new project!

(here's the garden July 06!)